Thank you for your interest in one of our precious Cockapoo puppies. We screen all of our new families and require the questionnaire be completed to be on the waiting list.
Once we receive your Questionnaire form, we will contact you within 48 hours to discuss it and provide details about our current puppies and upcoming litters.
At OZ Cockapoos, we require the puppy/dog be returned to us - at any age - if you are unable to care for the dog. We never want one of our puppies/dogs to end up in a shelter or somewhere he/she's not wanted. We will work with families if you have the perfect home but we want to know if the dog has been re-homed. Do you agree to notify OZ Cockapoos first if you can no longer keep your cockapoo?
At Oz Cockapoos, we do not yell, spank or "rub noses" in misdeeds.
We recommend the book "How to Raise A Puppy You Can Live With" for all new puppy owners.
We handle behavior issues gently so as not to make the puppy afraid.
Socialization is very important but remember
Too Much, Too Soon, can also damage a puppy emotionally.
Email is cockapoobabies@yahoo.com
Phone number is 608-408-9077
Puppy Question Form
Please click the Yellow brick below